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When I started watching this video, I saw the guy come into the scene and was like ‘Woah! I have those same boxers!’ so I just pretended it was me getting a nice long blowjob from Ashlynn Brooke.

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Ashlynn Brooke, Actress: Piranha 3D. Adorable and petite 5’2″ blonde bombshell Ashlynn Brooke was born on August 14, 1985 in Choctaw, Oklahoma. Brooke was a cheerleader for nine years throughout grade college …

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About Ashlynn Brooke. Ashlynn Brooke was a cheerleader for nine years, and graduated from high college in May 2003. Prior to becoming an adult film actress in 2006 at the age of 21, she worked at a used car dealership …

Ashlynn Brooke Lesbian Scene 39

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